Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometers
We develop scan engines, MEMS mirrors and opto-designs for FT-IR spectrometers (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometers). These are fully customizable to your needs and wishes. The supplied parts are directly usable through industry standard interfaces.
Optical metrology systems like Fourier Transform Spectrometers or confocal microscopes require fast modulation of the optical path length to shorten measurement times. Conventional solutions with complex driving mechanics for the deflectable mirrors show high sensitivity against vibrations and shock. As a result they are suitable for laboratory operation only.
The Fraunhofer IPMS translational mirrors for optical path length modulation overcome this disadvantage. In addition to high vibration and shock insensitivity, the advantage of high frequency operation and potential low fabrication cost for medium and high volumes enables the development of robust, fast and highly miniaturized metrology systems for industrial applications.