MEMS vectorscanner mirrors for LiDAR

We develop MEMS vectorscanner mirror for LiDAR applications and optical communication. 

Our hybrid vector scanner technology offers ready-made and customized solution for fast and precise beam deflection. It enables large apertures and large deflections compared to previously available MEMS technologies, while being robust against environmental conditions (temperature, vibration, shock).

Do you need a precise and robust beam deflection solution? Do you want to maximize your light output or do you only have a poor beam quality available for economic reasons and therefore see a need for a large aperture? Does your application also require large beam deflections in a robust package? Then you have found the right scanning solution!

2D vector scanner module I2DQSEM01
© Fraunhofer IPMS
2D vector scanner module I2DQSEM01

What we offer:

  • Ready-to-use scan module and control electronics (CEK) < 1000 per year 
  • Customization projects possible 

Just get in touch with us!


Advantages of our technology compared to other MEMS vector scanners:

  • Enables unique combination of large aperture with equally large deflections.
  • On-chip integrated mirror position sensors
  • small module size compared to Galvanic scanners; no beam offset 

Possible specifications

  • Mechanical scanning range >= +/- 13°
  • Aperture D = 1 mm .. 10 mm
  • Natural frequency 120 Hz and higher
  • Positioning speed 100 °/s … 1000 °/s 
  • Drive current approx. 20 mA/°

In order to exploit the performance of the scan module, we recommend operating the device in closed-loop control mode.The required control algorithms, which are adapted specifically to the mechanical properties of the module, were developed at Fraunhofer IPMS and can be applied to the digital control of the customer‘s system electronics (FPGA or microcontroller).

In addition, compact control electronics, also developed at Fraunhofer IPMS, with a precise analog driver stage and input stages is also available. It can be accessed via both an analogue and a digital interface. See picture on the right.

You can find all specifications in detail in the data sheet on the right.


Our vector scanners are particularly suitable for the following applications:


Automotive LiDAR

Our silicon-based high-performance MEMS mirrors for LiDAR sensors are robust, shock-resistant and reliable - the perfect device for autonomous and safe driving.


Machine vision

To enable machine vision in three dimensions, we develop a "scanning eye". At its core are our high-resolution, robust, reliable, compact and maintenance-free MEMS scanning mirrors.


Optical communication in space

Due to their robustess, our vector scanners are at the core of LiDAR systems for rendezvous and docking applications in space.




Automotive LiDAR technologies


Language: English

Length: 55 min



MEMS Technologies for Vehicle Environment Detection


Language: German

Length: 35 min

Interactive Showroom

Discover our MEMS scanning mirror technologies for LiDAR applications in our virtual showroom.