Microdisplays and Sensors

R&D on comprehensive prototypes and systems of OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) -based microdisplay and sensor components. We offer you the entire spectrum of product development for OLED-on-silicon applications, ranging from CMOS design, to OLED stack alignment, optical design, system integration, and interface programming.
Our Services
Our services encompass all of the necessary steps – from the concept phase of development projects to transfer of the technology:
- Feasibility studies
- Conception of R&D projects including work packages, milestones, and costing
- OLED fabrication technologies for organic semiconductors
- CMOS design for controlling the OLED image or sensor devices
- Prototyping
- Organizing fabrication through a network of external foundries
- Creation of the system design based on novel integrated circuit packaging technologies
- Development of processes and procedures for fabricating structured, application-specific OLEDs, such as OLED microstructures and OLEDs for medical applications as well as for organic photodiodes (OPDs)
- Pilot fabrication
- Evaluation kits for individual tests, assessments etc.
- Technology and design transfer as well as licensing for OLED microdisplays, OPDs, augmented-reality (AR) for wearables, optical sensors, fingerprint sensors, etc.
In all cases, both rigid substrates, such as silicon wafers or glass, and flexible substrates can be used.
Our display technologies
- Bidirectional OLED-on-silicon microdisplays
- Microdisplays in various resolutions and designs
- Backplane-CMOS-IC-design, frontplane design and post processing
- Functional layers for displays