SEQUIN - Side-channel resistant module for fiber-optic quantum key distribution

Side-channel resistant module for fiber-optic quantum key distribution (SEQUIN)

Project duration: 08/2024 - 07/2027

In an increasingly connected world, it is crucial to ensure the security of systems and data. Given the rapid advances in quantum technologies, ensuring the security and efficiency of those communications becomes even more relevant. A security orchestrator can help to integrate different security mechanisms and protocols and enable secure communication between components.

In the Sequin project, Fraunhofer IPMS is developing a circuit concept as well as the circuit board design, the HDL development of the security orchestrator with the associated firmware basis and driver development and subsequent integration in the project.

By developing an optimized circuit concept for the PCB design of the transmitter and receiver, Fraunhofer IPMS is helping to improve the overall efficiency of communication. As a result, a faster and more reliable transmission of (quantum-based) data can take place.


Miniaturization and implementation

An important focus is on the miniaturization of electronic components and printed circuit boards. By miniaturizing these components, the size and weight of communication systems can be reduced, enabling easy integration into existing infrastructures. This promotes innovation and strengthens Germany's technological position, as more compact and lighter systems offer a wider range of applications and greater user acceptance. Cooperation with other partners from industry and science and the close networking of everyone in relevant committees will significantly increase the chances of the overall system meeting the required safety standards.


Procedure in the project

First of all, a concept for the core components of the project, the Security Orchestrator, will be developed together with the project partners. This serves as the central control unit of the system and enables the integration of various security mechanisms and protocols. Its development is based on a RISC-V processor core from Fraunhofer IPMS, which can be made available platform-independently for various FPGAs. In addition, guidelines and standards for the use of the Security Orchestrator in various application areas are being developed together with the project partners.

Another technical objective concerns the circuit concept of the circuit board design for transmitters and receivers. Suitable components and interfaces are being selected to enable the smooth transmission of data. An important milestone in this context is the definition of interfaces to the QKD transmitter and receiver components of the project partners. The circuit concept is being optimized to ensure efficient and stable communication between transmitter and receiver. In addition, the HDL development, the firmware basis and drivers of the security orchestrator as well as the integration of the latter are important technical work objectives. A Hardware Description Language (HDL) design for the Security Orchestrator is being developed. Finally, the Security Orchestrator is integrated into the overall system. A further objective concerns the redesign and commissioning of the system. The existing design and functionality of the system will be revised to ensure error-free commissioning. 

Project partner:

  • ADVA Network Security GmbH, Berlin
  • Microwave Photonics GmbH, Duisburg
  • University of Regensburg
  • Leibniz University of Hanover

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Components and Systems

Data Comunication


Components and Systems

Optical Sensors


Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research