Near-infrared spectroscopy

Fraunhofer IPMS is a provider of fully-fledged and at the same time cost-effective grating spectrometers. Compared to the conventional use of expensive detector arrays, our spectrometers are based on an advantageous combination of MEMS technology and inexpensive point detectors. The cost advantage increases significantly towards longer wavelength ranges. In addition, wavelength ranges can be addressed for which no detector lines are available on the market. We cover all areas of the value chain for our customers, from studies, design and draft through to modules and complete systems. Our production capacities enable us to act as a reliable partner from initial samples to pilot production in small, medium and large quantities.

Compact, modular NIR grating spectrometer with SMA fiber input (Customer Evaluation Kit CEK)
© Fraunhofer IPMS
Compact, modular NIR grating spectrometer with SMA fiber input (Customer Evaluation Kit CEK)

What we offer:

  • Customer Evaluation Kits in various design variants
  • Development of customized NIR grating spectrometers and complete measurement setupsn
  • Provision of customer-specific
    • NIR grating spectrometers (initial sample)
    • MEMS mirror in package or module
    • MEMS mirrors as bare die (known good die, KG)
  • Licensing of technologies and design variants
  • Support with optical design, optomechanical design, process transfer through to complete development services (customizing)

Just get in touch with us!

Benefits for your project

  • Fully-fledged NIR spectrometer without expensive detector array
  • Low entry barriers thanks to available customer evaluation kits
  • Great scope for customer-specific adaptations (resolution, measuring range, size, etc.)
  • Wide range of applications from laboratory and on-site analysis to ultra-mobile applications
  • Modular designs with a high proportion of identical components can be realized
Miniaturized NIR grating spectrometer with the external dimensions
© Fraunhofer IPMS
Miniaturized NIR grating spectrometer with the external dimensions

Application examples

NIR spectroscopy is particularly well suited to these sectors:

Pharmaceutical industry

In the pharmaceutical industry, NIR spectroscopy can be used in inline and online process control, e.g. for the detection of ingredients.

Food industry

In the food industry, questions often arise about the degree of ripeness or the condition of food. NIR spectroscopy can provide a quick check here (more on this at the bottom of the video). 


When recycling - e.g. textiles, as shown in the picture, but also plastics and similar materials - fast and homogeneous testing is required. NIR spectroscopy offers a solution here.


The identification and quantification of chemical substances is a common task in the laboratory industry. NIR spectroscopy can also be used to determine the composition.

Chemical industry

Quality control issues arise in the chemical industry, e.g. monitoring the quality of raw materials, intermediate and end products. It is also necessary to check the purity and consistency of products. NIR spectroscopy makes this possible quickly and reliably.


© Fraunhofer IPMS
Setup of the near-infrared spectrometer.

The radiation to be analyzed enters the spectrometer through an entrance slit and is directed onto a diffraction grating via a collimation mirror and a MEMS mirror. After spectral splitting at the grating, the radiation hits the MEMS mirror again and passes through an exit slit to the detector. The exit slit limits the radiation hitting the detector to a narrow spectral section. Radiation that does not reach the detector is effectively eliminated in the spectrometer using scatter and false light suppression methods. The entire spectral range is presented to the detector in discrete time by rotating the plane mirror in the MEMS. Motorized drive and high-precision deflection sensors are integrated components of the MEMS mirror. Electronics and firmware for operating the MEMS and processing the photocurrent from the detector complete the grating spectrometer.

Possible specifications of our NIR spectrometers

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