Adlershof Congress Center Berlin - Volmerstraße 2, 12489 Berlin  /  August 21, 2024, 10:20 AM – 01:20 PM

BIOSYNTH user workshop 2024

Zur Webseite

as part of the SynBioReactor Summit 2024 - The German startup event for synthetic biology.

BIOSYNTH user workshop


21.08.2024 (10 a.m. - 1 p.m.) as part of the SynBioReactor Summit 2024 - The German Synthetic Biology Startup Event



Adlershof Congress Center Berlin - Volmerstraße 2, 12489 Berlin



The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft funds internal projects for preliminary research in the PREPARE program. The PREPARE project BIOSYNTH is researching a modular high-throughput microplatform with thermal synthesis and optical monitoring for future mass data storage from synthetic biology. The platform may also be useful for applications in medicine, biotechnology, biology or agriculture, among others.

The BIOSYNTH consortium, consisting of the Fraunhofer Institutes IPMS, IZI-BB and ITEM, brings together expertise from engineering, microelectronics, computer science and biotechnology.

What can you expect?

  • Presentation of the current state of research in the project
  • BIOSYNTH and first technology demonstrators
  • Stimulating discussions of the platform technologies
  • Individual discussions at poster islands about future
  • fields of application of the high-throughput microplatform

What do we expect?

  • Interdisciplinary suggestions and ideas on further applications of the
  • applications of the BIOSYNTH platform
  • Insights into exciting and practical industry roadmaps
  • Identification of potential fields of cooperation
  • Critical examination of the presented
  • technology platform
  • Open discussions